Back to Blogging Brayden is still around. Still struggling with his health but doing ok. I have not been blogging for over a year. Partly because I have not had the emotion...
Christmastime 2014
Sam ready to meet Santa for the first time
at the Taylor family party :)
One of my favorite pictures ever.
During bathtime, I caught Sam just staring at ...
Daniel continues to amaze me with how awesome he is. Its been quite a
while since we've used this blog, things have mainly been updated on
Facebook. I gu...
Posisi Seks Biar Istri Cepat Orgasme
[image: Posisi Seks Biar Istri Cepat Orgasme]
Para suami sering kali mengeluhkan istrinya yang tidak bisa mencapai puncak
kenikmatan. Hal tersebut kadang me...
What is this? It has been five months since Owen's passing. I look back on this blog with such complex emotions; Sadness, heartbreak, joy, intense longing, and celebrati...
Post Op Day 6 Looks like we are going to be heading home tonight! Woo hoo! We thought the doc would keep us until at least tomorrow, but Emily is such a rock star that t...
The Big Black Boot
About two weeks ago I had surgery on my right foot. If we are friends on
facebook, you are very aware of this and my obnoxious black boot selfies.
The re...
Blogging through grief perhaps?
I really think I need to start blogging again. It was always SUCH a
release, and although I am on Facebook all the time now, it's not the
same. Getting t...
Lately Kairos moments lately: Today: by Dakin's request, we rocked and sang and told Angry Birds stories in the rocking recliner. For 45 minutes. He said he wan...
Three is a SERIOUS crowd!
it's been awhile, ya'll. like almost 10 months exactly. there's a good
reason. a few reasons, in all honesty. but i'm getting ahead of myself.
that c...
Happy Birthday My Beautiful Angel
I wrote this on Sam's 1st birthday... I remember vividly that wonderful day
in October 2005 when I found out that I was pregnant. It was truly the
Build a Fort
What is more fun than building a fort out of sheets in your living room?
According to milo, not much. We pretended we were dinosaurs living in a
cave, m...
Another adventure brought to you by Girl Scouts.... This week is spring break around here so most of the kids are out of school. One of the moms of a girl in our scout troop arranged for the girls to go to v...
Ear Infections = Bad Nights.... Despite Rhett feeling off the last erm......month. We decided to go out tonight. We got free tickets to the Flash basketball game and thought it would be f...
Wordless Wednesday: Happy Fourth Birthday Fletcher!
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